
Outreach of data and analysis from ASTI Indo-Pacific aims to enhance understanding of the importance of agricultural research investment and maximize the impact and uptake of evidence to inform national and regional agricultural research policy. The intention is to build a broad multistakeholder platform around common goals, issues, and challenges related to agricultural research for development.

ASTI Indo-Pacific’s network of national and regional partners will undertake a range of approaches to outreach, communications, and partnerships, including:

  • identifying stakeholder needs and channels,
  • creating targeted messages to respond to them, and
  • embedding ASTI data in existing platforms related to agricultural research for development.

IFPRI and APAARI will develop toolkits to assist network members in more effectively communicating ASTI’s evidence to their policymakers and other stakeholders. Outreach products will include:

  • policy briefs,
  • seminars and other events, and
  • technical strategies, such as embedding ASTI’s data tools within network members’ websites.

Over time, it is expected that ASTI evidence and analyses will become embedded within existing policymaking processes via a feedback loop of needs and demands on the one hand, and evidence and analyses on the other.

Photo- Asian agriculture